These guitars are not for sale. They are guitars that I've shot over the course of a number of years. These are examples of large bodied Jazz guitars, also called jazzboxes. The primary way to differentiate between Jazz and Rockabilly guitars is the bridge. A true Jazzbox has a floating/movable, usually wooden, bridge.
This D'Anglico Teardrop is the epitome of beautiful jazzboxes. This one boasts a floating ebony bridge found on the super-duper high-end jazz guitars.
This Hofner jazzbox sports a floating rosewood bridge that is typical of upper end jazz guitars.
The DiPinto Bacchus is a lower cost entry into the jazz guitar arena and does not have the wooden movable bridge.
This beauty is from 1965 with a killer floating roller bridge.
This Gibson ES 175 also sports the moveable bridge.
The Duesnberg Carl Cartlon is another great guitar from Duesenberg.
The Pagelli Signature Series, designed in Switzerland by Claudio and Claudia Pagelli, is handcrafted in the Eastman workshop and built of AAA spruce and maple tonewoods.